Transforming businesses, with in-house enterprise apps

Yappli for Company

Yappli for Company is a service that solves "inefficiencies occurring in the workplace" with a mobile app.
Send information such as products, training content, and company newsletters to employees and business partners using an enterprise app.
It is the era 
for companies to have an in-house enterprise app
"Accessing your company 
from the comfort of your mobile device" 
is the new standard 
of work going forward.
Push notification
Swift and reliable 
information delivery.
Freedom of design
Express the uniqueness of the company, 
and enhance engagement.
Information archive
Collectively store information in-app 
to reduce information disparities.
Training to improve skills, 
but results may not reflect preparation
Providing a pleasant learning experience 
to reduce unfinished training
  • Distribute training materials 
    Digitize PDF training materials and manuals, 
    and make them more available for self-learning.
  • Brushing up skills 
    with video
    Share videos by linking with YouTube, 
    Vimeo, J-Stream, for information that is difficult to understand with just text.
  • Convenient UI 
    to encourage reviewing content
    With a UI optimized for smartphones, 
    past content can be accessed easily.
  • Manage the​ ​
    progression of learning
    Display individual learning status with stamps.
    Visualize progression of learning.
  • In-app 
    Use in-app surveys to check users' understanding of training content.
    * A survey form feature is not installed.
    It can be made available by linking to external services.
  • Follow-up users 
    based on information accessed
    Visualize content browsing history. 
    Data-based follow up of individuals, using push notifications.
Branch offices scattered all over the country, with varying forms of employment
Unifying organizations 
with inefficient communication
  • View company newsletters 
    Digitization of company paper newsletters. Use the app to distribute to all employees.
  • Easy-to-read 
    company portal
    Company rules, organization charts, HR announcements, etc. can be collectively displayed in the app.
  • Deliver 
    president messages
    President's message, such as company values and business strategies, 
    can be delivered reliably with push notifications.
  • Archive 
    past company newsletters
    All old company newsletters can be stored. 
    Useful for new employees to catch up.
  • Employee introduction
    of each department
    Allow employees to understand the roles and practices of other departments. 
    Promote internal communication.
  • Use IDs to 
    manage viewer access
    Set user specific IDs 
    to manage accessible content.
  • Separating 
    viewable content
    Set different viewable content based on 
    the user's employment status, position or region.